The leadership team has a clear vision for the nursery. The team works closely with the staff team to look at the strengths and weaknesses of the setting. The manager carries out regular observations of her staff and provides them with ongoing support and training. Staff feel well supported by the leadership team. - Ofsted, 2022


The manager's intent for the curriculum is clear. Staff observe, plan and implement an ambitious, sequenced curriculum that is designed to give all children the knowledge and understanding they need for their future learning. - Ofsted, 2022


Managing Director - Nicola McGee

Nicola has had 20 years experience in working with children. Nicola qualified in 1996, she had been working in private day nurseries for a couple of years before going on to work as a nanny for twin baby girls. After the girls went to nursery, Nicola went on to do her Nursing training. Nicola qualified in September 2000 with an advanced diploma in Children's nursing. She worked at Middlesbrough General Hospital on the Children's surgery and trauma ward until the hospital closed. She them moved to work at James Cook University Hospital.

In 2007, Nicola decided to open up Little Lingfields. On the first day of trading, there was only 2 children and just the Little Discoverers was the only room open.


Nursery Manager – Andrea Pryor

Andrea started at Little Lingfields as a Room Leader in 2012. She has a great passion for bringing fresh ideas to the setting. Andrea stepped up to the role as Nursery Manager when Lisa went on maternity leave and has enjoyed working as a team to help the setting progress.

Andrea gained her BTEC National Diploma in Early Years in the year 2008. Andrea continued her learning and has achieved her Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Children and Young People's Services.


Deputy Manager - Lisa Maddison (Maternity Leave)

Lisa started her journey with us as a Nursery Nurse back in August 2008. She gained her BTEC National Diploma in Childhood Studies in the year 2000. Lisa's warm, caring personality enabled her to progress to the Nursery Manager in August 2011. Lisa has a vast amount of experience in working with young children aged 0-5years. She values partnerships with parents and enjoys seeing children develop during their time at Little Lingfields Nursery. Lisa is very approachable and has a strong commitment to the Nursery success. Lisa went off to start a family of her own, before returning as the Nursery's Deputy Manager in December 2019. 

Lisa achieved her Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Children and Young People's Services in 2017.


The Little Lingfields Team

All our team have level 3 childcare qualifications and all staff undergo complete DBS checks before joining our nursery. 


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. The leadership team and staff have a good understanding of their roles within safeguarding. They recognise signs and symptoms that would cause them to be concerned about a child's welfare. They are confident about the procedures to follow to make a referral. All staff are aware of the procedures to follow should an allegation be made against a member of staff. Furthermore, staff understand how to identify children who may be exposed to extreme views. Staff are vigilant about safety. They use risk assessment effectively to keep children safe. Staff are well deployed and supervise children at all times. - Ofsted, 2022



The Nursery Curriculum

The department of Education has issued a statutory framework for nursery settings, known as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The framework sets out the legal requirements for the care of young children relating to Learning, Development and Welfare. These are important areas all parents need to be comfortable with before choosing any type of childcare for their young children. The EYFS framework sets the UK standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five years old. Our nursery curriculum is built around the four key principles shown below. Parents are kept informed of their child's progress within the four principle areas of the EYFS framework. This is through dialogue with the child's key person and through the individual learning journeys of each child.

A Unique Child

At Little Lingfields we focus on how children develop. We recognise they are all different, but should be treated equally. Positive relationships and good communication skills are vital. Children need to learn about risks and safety, how to make good choices and how to stick to boundaries. We make every attempt to provide full opportunity for each child to do their best and we achieve this by ensuring their physical and emotional needs are met during their time at our nursery setting.

Positive Relationships

This theme is about children learning to manage their feelings and build relationships. We respect all kinds of families and aim to develop a positive two-way relationship with parents. We will support, listen and work with the children at Little Lingfields to help them learn. We have nominated a key person for each child at nursery to ensure each child has the opportunity of building a close relationship and is well monitored during their time with us.

Enabling Environments

We plan and check on each child's progress and make every attempt to involve parents and the local community. We ensure that inside and outside spaces of the nursery are safe, interesting and engaging. Our carers support children when they move on, working as a team to help the children exceed.

Learning & Development

At Little Lingfields we focus on ensuring young children learn through play and exploration, with support for each individual. We encourage children to develop imagination, to get actively involved in learning and to make decisions. We make every attempt to develop children's creative and critical thinking; balancing the need for both the children and adults to lead the learning.